Frequently Asked Questions
What is project 351?
We believe that eighth graders are a remarkable force for good in their community and our world. And, we take greatest joy and pride in the privileged opportunity to celebrate and support these inspiring young leaders in their efforts to lead positive change. Project 351 is a youth service nonprofit organization that develops a rising generation of “community-first” leaders. We wish to create extraordinary change by entrusting the hearts, hands, and minds of unsung heroes and quiet leaders.
Founded by Governor Deval Patrick in 2011 and now convened by Governor Charlie Baker, Project 351 fosters unity and strengthens the ethic of service through the engagement and enrichment of an 8th grade Ambassador from each of the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts.
For a year’s term, Project 351 invests in the Ambassadors’ capabilities and inspires their sense of possibility through customized service experiences, results-driven leadership training, and exposure to issues, role models, and opportunities that challenge and enrich. United, Ambassadors progress the values of social justice, drive transformative impact for a portfolio of nonprofit organizations, and commit to a lifetime of civic responsibility and service.
Ambassadors are then given the opportunity to continue to serve and grow with Project 351 as alumni, leading service projects, mentoring teams of eighth grade Ambassadors, and guiding Ambassadors regionally. We are incredibly grateful for and humbled by our alumni, who bring their skills and strengths back to both our beloved community and communities of their own.
what is an ambassador?
An Ambassador is an 8th grade student selected by educators in their community based on an exemplary ethic of service and the values of kindness, compassion, humility, and gratitude. A special premium is placed on the recognition of unsung heroes and quiet leaders, and the rich diversity of our Commonwealth.
There is no application process. Rather, educators nominate and select their community’s Ambassador based on criteria and a process provided by Project 351. Ambassadors share a common passion for making a positive difference in their community and our world. Upon selection, they are invited to participate in 12 months of unique service and leadership development opportunities. The Ambassador's term spans from January of their 8th grade year through December of their 9th grade year.
Project 351 values and celebrates the rich diversity of our Commonwealth. We welcome Ambassadors from all races, ethnicities, religions, genders, gender expressions, national origins (ancestry), disabilities, and sexual orientations.
Ambassadors are expected to be their best self as a member of Project 351, and to represent -- with pride -- your family, school, and community.
Each Ambassador will serve, learn, and lead with a diverse community of peers in service projects and leadership development opportunities. Keys to success include an open heart and mind, respect for others, enthusiasm, passion to make a difference, and Project 351’s core values of kindness, compassion, humility, and gratitude.
Participation in the Launch & Service Day in January is required for the Ambassador.
Project 351’s mission and service impact is powered by the active engagement of our Ambassadors. Our hope is that each Ambassador will participate in the 12-month “Leadership Journey” (January -- December).
Project 351’s leadership program includes:
Service Leadership Academy (SLA), a virtual learning, leading, and service program, which is implemented during select periods throughout the year as orientation, enrichment, and training before each service campaign.
Launch & Service Day (January), in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King and in celebration of the new Ambassador Class.
Leadership Reunion (June), a celebratory gathering with Ambassadors and Alumni for leadership training, service, and community building at Gillette Stadium.
Three statewide service and civic engagement campaigns, featuring our unique model of youth-led mobilization:
Spring Service (April)
9.11 Tribute Service (September)
Fall Service (November/December)
Optional, smaller-scale service and leadership opportunities in partnership with peer nonprofit organizations are offered throughout the year.
Each service campaign features comprehensive training and mentorship to support the Ambassadors’ leadership of a high-impact service project in their hometown. Ambassadors will unite in support of children facing economic challenge and homelessness (Spring, to benefit Cradles to Crayons); honor our military and veterans (9.11 Tribute Service, in support of the Mass Military Heroes Fund at Home Base); the issue of hunger (Fall, to benefit hometown food pantries).
At the conclusion of their Ambassador year, youth are invited to continue their leadership development and service as part of Project 351’s Alumni Organization and/or apply to serve on the Alumni Leadership Council.
Is there a cost to participate?
There is no cost associated with Project 351.
Project 351 provides Ambassadors with the official Project 351 Ambassador t-shirt and customized training materials. Statewide service campaigns feature comprehensive training materials, weekly training calls, regional coaching, one-on-one mentoring, and the Project 351 “Service Toolkit” – to guide step-by-step project development.
Project 351 will provide meals and cover transportation costs for large-scale convenings. If technology is a barrier to participation for any Ambassador (for example, insufficient wifi access), please contact our staff for guidance and assistance.
Yes, Project 351 is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization. We partner with an extraordinary community of educators, service and nonprofit organizations, and volunteers to achieve our mission.
Essential support and strategic guidance is generously provided by our community of investors, including the Martin Richard Foundation, John Hancock, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Michael T. Carmen & Pamela Lederer, HYM Investment Group LLC, The Foundation To Be Named Later, and the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation.
We are deeply grateful for the generosity of these inspiring private sector partners and for the kind individuals who invest in our young leaders and those they are privileged to serve.
Can I donate to Project 351?
Thank you! We greatly value and appreciate investment from individuals, corporations, and foundations who share our belief in the power and potential of young people. You can donate here.
FAQ: A Focus on COVID-19
These are unprecedented times for our nation, which require re-imagination, resourcefulness, and vigilance on health and safety. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we offer the following guidance to provide greater understanding of our program, remote learning and leading model, and dedication to the health and wellness of our community.
The health and safety of our Ambassadors and community remain our foremost priority. To ensure the health and safety of our extended community, we require all participants at our in-person gatherings (Launch Day in Boston, Leadership Reunion at Gillette Stadium) to meet one of the following criteria:
1.Be up to date on the latest COVID-19 vaccination recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
2. Test negative within 48 hours of an in-person event using a PCR or at-home COVID test.
This policy includes Ambassadors, Alumni, staff, educator chaperones, volunteers, and special guests. Other in-person gatherings may require vaccinations, depending on the size of the venue, the policies of our partner organizations, and other factors.
We strongly encourage all Ambassadors and Alumni to speak with their family members and healthcare provider(s), and consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is free and available for all ages 6 months+ who live, work, or study in Massachusetts. You can find comprehensive information at https://www.mass.gov/covid-19-vaccine.
We also wish to advise that, given the dynamic state of COVID-19 protocols, events, programs, and/or policies may be rescheduled or modified throughout the year. We will communicate any changes in a timely and comprehensive manner.
Important Guidance regarding COVID-19 Vaccinations:
Project 351 is vigilant about the health and safety of our Ambassadors and community members. COVID has further increased that commitment.
At any in-person service events or convenings, Project 351 complies with -- or exceeds -- all local and state guidelines for maintaining health and safety. Additionally, we provide health and safety guidance to Ambassadors and Alumni who are leading our signature service campaigns in their hometowns. As with all Project 351 programming, parental/guardian approval is required.
We are a statewide organization, powered by local service campaigns, with execution by individual Ambassadors and small, collaborative teams of Ambassadors/Alumni. This structure allows for flexibility to adapt to local conditions and limits large group interactions to select yearly convenings, which will require vaccination for all who attend.
How does Project 351 comply with COVID health protocols?
In response to the March stay-at-home orders, Project 351 immediately pivoted to launch the Service Leadership Academy (SLA), a remote learning, leading, and serving platform. The SLA was designed to approximate the Ambassador Journey through enrichment, skills building, and practical application of knowledge through service. Daily social media and communications programming was edified by weekly forums with special guests including First Lady Lauren Baker, New England Patriot Devin McCourty, and WBZ-TV’s Lisa Hughes. Spring SLA culminated with the Hope & Gratitude Walk, a hometown walk/run/bike for 3.51 miles (or more!) to raise funds in support of nonprofits selected by Ambassadors.
SLA returned in a new-and-improved form for the Class of 2021, providing a platform for onboarding, welcome, and enrichment as we welcomed new Ambassadors. SLA now serves as our cornerstone training forum, to virtually engage and upskill Ambassadors and Alumni in advance of each signature service campaign.
Throughout 2020 and 2021, Project 351 has built a toolkit of safety-related best practices and guidance for service engagement. These include tips on leading successful contactless food or clothing drives, innovations for digital fundraising, and effective and safe strategies for building awareness for one’s cause. With parent/family permission, Ambassadors will be prepared to create positive impact in their communities.
Ambassadors can look forward to the Service Leadership Academy, transformational civic engagement and service guided by health and safety protocols, joyful community building to nurture friendships and unity, and ample opportunities to share their ideas, opinions, and vision for changing the world!