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Meet Our Alumni


Josh Florence

Wilbraham, class of 2011
Board Member; Project 351; Analyst, the Analysis Group

My six-word memoir:

Finding purpose is easier in service.

Project 351 is:

Project 351 gives young people the confidence to believe in themselves. Like many Project 351 Ambassadors, I was a shy eighth grader in need of a confidence boost. Project 351 taught me that the voice of a young person matters – and should be taken seriously.

My motivation for service:

There is tremendous work to be done to achieve a more just world. 2020 was an incredibly challenging year, especially for young people, who were deprived of essential social connections through school and extra-curricular activities. Nothing inspired me more than seeing young people find creative ways to keep serving with Project 351. I intend to follow their lead by seeking out novel ways to serve, even in the toughest of times.

Why Project 351:

Project 351 plays an essential role in the development of future leaders. It nurtures a young person’s inclination to serve by providing the necessary tools, skills, and connections to ensure the Ambassador leads a lifetime of service. Young people deserve that support, and their communities reap the benefit of Project 351’s investment in each Ambassador.

Project 351 has taught me the value of a service-driven community.