April 13th: Anika Teckchandani


As we kick-off Service Leadership Academy, our foremost mission is to ensure we are a source of compassion, care, and positive impact during these uncertain times. We are inspired, always, by the voices of our young leaders and their aspirations to be ambassadors of hopeful progress.

Today's #351GratitudeMoment is from Ambassador Anika Teckchandani of Braintree. Reflections of gratitude and a vision fo

"I am extremely grateful for my mom, dad and sister. Throughout these tough times, I find my self lost and stressed about COVID-19. Luckily, my parents are always there for me! Whenever I'm stressed, they always comfort me by saying everything will be just fine. They help me get my mind clear and their words always make me feel happier.

My little sister, on the other hand, is just wonderful. She's great company and always makes me laugh. If it weren't for my family, these times would feel much tougher. During hard challenges, we always need those people who make us feel better and for me...that's my family!"

Anika's family serves as the foundation of her resolve to be a catalyst for unity and the celebration diversity. In her Launch Day essays, she reflected, "America is a diverse country where people from all over the world have come with their families for a better life. Unfortunately, they can be judged by their faces and their race. And, assumptions are made related to different cultures that lead to miscommunication or misunderstanding. My wish is for all people to have the courage and support to communicate their true selves.

I want to be the change in my community so that other people can follow and together we can make the world a better place."


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