May 26th: JP Grant and Megan Burke


This week marks the seventh of our Service Leadership Academy, our remote learning, leadership development, and civic engagement model that was created in response to the pandemic. Every day, we marvel at the compassion, creativity, and commitment of our young leaders.

This week, our SLA focus is on "Leaders for Life". We're excited to gain inspiration and enrichment from champions and role models with a lifetime commitment to lead positive change. We begin with a very special community -- nine Classes of Alumni, on whose shoulders the Class of 2020 stands.

This week's daily #351GratitudeMoments will celebrate Alumni "Leaders for Life". We kick-off with two courageous advocates who use their voice and skill to advance the rights and opportunities of others -- J.P. Grant, on behalf of LGBTQ community, and Megan Burke, in support of those affected by mental health challenges.

We're so proud of and grateful for J.P. and Megan's relentless devotion to social change, and dedicate this #351GratitudeMoment to them.

J.P. GRANT, Needham
Ambassador Class of 2016, Penn State '24
National Student Council Member, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network)

1. What is your service mission?
My service mission is to provide a safe and beloved community for all people. I want every young person to feel ignited to shine. I want every young person to value their authenticity. I want every young person to know that it only takes one person to change the world. Everyone can be great.

2. What motivates your service mission?
What motivates me is seeing young people empowered and ready to serve for the issues and causes they believe in. Activism and leadership looks different in various ways. Iā€™m inspired by people who are willing to help others who have no expectation for anything in return but love. Through GLSEN, I'm honored to have a national platform to advocate for greater acceptance and love for LGBTQ youth.

3. How as Project 351 prepared you to be a Leader for Life?
Project 351 has prepared me to be a leader for life by giving me the tools no one could buy. My selflessness and creativeness, but most importantly, my heart and my voice that led me to guiding others. Through Project 351, I developed the confidence needed to affect change and advocate for others.

MEGAN BURKE, Holliston
Ambassador Class of 2014, Villanova University '21
Founder, The Beautiful Mind Campaign

1. What is your service mission?
My mission is to transform all random acts of kindness to consistent acts of love. Whether it be in my personal relationships or The Beautiful Mind Campaign, a peer-to-peer mental health advocacy organization, I strive to form long-lasting, intentional connections rather than momentary, surface-level transactions.

2. What motivates this mission?
My sister motivates everything I do. Through severe mental health struggles, they has demonstrated what true courage sounds, looks, and feels like. I serve for those like my sister who courageously choose life and wake up every morning. Each of them deserve someone to hold their hand and to walk their journey with them. Rather than someone who tells them which path to take.

3. How has Project 351 prepared you to be a Leader for Life?
Project 351 gave me the confidence, capability, and sheer audacity to challenge the status quo. I have learned that my age, gender, and professional experience do not have to hold me back from enacting change and disrupting institutions, social systems, or societal patterns that disenfranchise certain vulnerable populations. While I acknowledge I still have a lot to learn, Project 351 has taught me that the best way to learn about the world is to completely and wholly immerse myself in it.

If every young person took an active role as the creative, entrepreneurial, collaborative individuals they are, there's no stopping our generation from changing this world for the better!


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