June 13th: Class of 2017

e pluribus unum -- out of many, one. The Class of 2017 began their year with resolve for unity and appreciation for the great diversity that defines our nation's promise.

Today, we honor the Class of 2017 with this #351GratitudeMoment. Our rising seniors who are more-than-ready to take on the mantle of leadership of our Project 351 community. Chief among many reasons is that unity forged on day one of their Ambassador Journey. On every day since, they have taught us about the power of inclusion, insistence on respect for the dignity of all, and the singular joy created by a community bound by common purpose.

Class of 2017, you lift us by your example and inspire us with your aspirations for strong, just, united, and joyful communities.

Today, we honor and give endless gratitude for you!




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